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Writer's pictureVictoria Voronina


Updated: Dec 29, 2019

VEGETARIAN GROCERY SHOPPING LIST, nutritionist Myrtle Beach, personal trainer Myrtle Beach, vegetarian nutrition plans

Being vegetarian for 3 years Iā€™ve tried all of it: ā£ šŸŒ±I was strict vegan for 9 months (just plant based diet)ā£ šŸŒ±I tried all of the soy meat substitutionsā£ šŸŒ±I was lacto-ovo vegetarian (eggs, milk products) ā£ šŸŒ±Then I was pescatarian (fish, no meat) ā£

Now I am practicing intuitive eating, and mostly vegan diet, but occasionally I might eat a butter croissant, he-he. ā£ ā‡ļøHere is my grocery shopping list with recommendations: ā£ ā£ šŸ”ŗLENTILS (green and red). Buy them dried not canned, they cook in 20 minutes. Lentils are a great source of fiber and vegan protein. I use them is soups, salads and curry šŸ› ā£ ā£ šŸ”ŗAVOCADOS. Great source of healthy fats, use them in salads and nutrition bowls šŸ² ā£ ā£ šŸ”ŗSESAME SEEDS. I use them to make tahini for my homemade hummus recipe (you can find it in my story highlight ā€œFOOD TIPSā€)ā£ ā£ šŸ”ŗCHICKPEAS. One of the ingredients for the homemade hummus, that I like to spread on a gluten free English muffin. Chickpeas are also great in curry bowls. ā£ ā£ šŸ”ŗBLACK AND PINTO BEANS. If you by them canned make sure to get rid of the liquid in a can and wash them trough before eating. ā£ ā£ šŸ”ŗVEGETABLE (kale, zucchini, broccoli, carrots... all colors and shapes), mainly for salads, smoothies, burritos šŸŒÆ juices šŸ„¤ ā£ ā£ šŸ”ŗBROWN RICE & QUINOA. You can make burrito bowls with either one, keep in mind that quinoa is a complete protein (means it has all essentials amino acids), and combo of brown rice and beans will also give you a complete protein supply. ā£ ā£ šŸ”ŗMushrooms feed your good gut bacteria šŸ¦  and support healthy microbiome. They also have a fair amount of vegan protein. I use portobello mushrooms for my vegan mushroom burger recipe. ā£ ā£ šŸ”ŗTofu is a great source of calcium and vegan protein. Make sure to buy organic non GMO tofu. Bake it until crispy covered in a barbecue sauce and enjoy in salads, rice bowls.

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